
The mighty momentum handbrake
Growing your dream natural health practice asks you to show-up to get all the things done…over and over and over again.
The experience of crippling perfectionism is a real thing that can side-swipe this process. Often it starts with one essential aspect or task lagging because it’s “not quite right”. If not diverted early, this spreads to other areas of business too.

Prioritise your authenticity
Do you experience this too?
It seems other people's perceptions of you don’t reflect the deeper nature of your natural health craft and business.
You might even feel swayed by their energy, fed by a subtle underlying anxiety about being open with people who don’t quite get it.
If you relate, you could feel like you’re living a double-life. Where showing up authentically as your full self doesn’t somehow have a place (even though you deeply crave authenticity).

3 tips on how to show up and not be an extrovert
A common belief amongst natural health practitioners is that they HAVE to be extroverted and constantly OUT THERE to be noticed in their offerings. Have you noticed this yourself? Even when you’re an introvert. And even if you have to force it. This is a major challenge considering authenticity is one of your greatest assets.

Tell your stories…
Can you see how telling your stories has purpose & function? Story-telling is a foundational social technology us human beings.

Never underestimate that which is ephemeral. Like this nature mandala at Renew Fest @renewfest recently.
They are but micro mirrors and small maps for the journey each of us are on in our lifetime.

Bushfire Convergence
It’s fair to say our brains were sufficiently fried by this stage 😵💫
David Holmgren (co-originator of permaculture) and his wife Su Dennett were lively contributors to last week’s Northern Rivers Bushfire Convergence in Mullumbimby, organised by Renew Fest.

Sociocracy at AUS Permaculture Convergence 2021
Sitting under a Melaleuca paperbark tree in a group of 40 people to explore collaborative & shared leadership via sociocracy sounds like visionary fiction describing desired future times. Yet, this is exactly what happened at the recent Australasian Permaculture Convergence on Quandamooka Country, south east of Brisbane, in mid April.

Declutter! Serious life advice here. And I’m not one to give advice so blatantly. The Scorpio full moon made me do it. But if there’s anything I’ve learned as my years slowly yet surely mature (for which I’m so grateful) is this…

It’s a pleasure
IT’S A PLEASURE” A common response to being thanked for doing or giving something. It communicates joy, satisfaction, gratification, and delight. Saying this is a feedback loop to self, and to the other, that goodness has been experienced in the act of giving.

Even after all this time
Embodying this type of love is a…
I call it unconditional love.
Partnered tightly with unconditional trust.

Self-love cultivates relationship
Self love is a cultivation of relationship. Much like a living garden. One with seasons and diverse elements.

Records are my portal
Travelling the world without stepping on a plane is a thing. Vintage world music on vinyl records is my portal ⛩
My first ever self-bought vinyl was ‘Herb Albert and his Tijuana Brass Band’ - a 50c score from an op shop crate. Little did I know, this would define the style of music I find sooo flippin’ exciting on record.

The soul hug of coaching
Humans have been losing track of each other. We haven’t been seeing & witnessing each other. Or effectively sharing what we’ve learnt along the way.
Coach listens, feels, senses, observes, perceives, allows. Coach tells stories, asks questions, shares anecdotes, encourages, & holds the big picture through the murk of details.
Receiving coaching is like receiving an ongoing soul hug.⠀

Take a leaf from the dandelion cluster
Recently I found myself in a discussion about weeds. Well, actually, it was about the subtle paradigm shifts possible for perspectives on different types of people in society. But weeds did come in as a central theme. The conversation was generally along the lines of “It’s a shame some people aren’t seen for the value they contribute to society, especially those who are outcasts”.

Empathy is not…
When we feel slighted, misunderstood, hurt and rejected, it can be so easy to hit back. Either at them who we feel hurt by. Or by projecting hurt onto to others in a victim-cum-perpetrator maneuver. ⠀

3 ways for daily ease & flow
We NEED to find our ways for ease and flow. This is where we find ourselves being response-able. This is not a call to bypass. It is a call for being real with what is, and with what could be.

The ripples of role descriptions
Role descriptions. Boring, right? Well, maybe they’re not the most exciting part of a job or group effort. But really, they are super useful. And when done right, they bring life, focus and coordination. Without them, there can be confusion, double-up of effort, and dropped balls.

Oh my heart…
Oh my heart - receiving this type of message is deffffinitely a heart warmer! Presenting at events like Newkind Conference is usually a winner of a time for me. Sharing insights on topics I'm passionate about to a load of people is such a special thing.

Not all flowers & fluffy feels
Life is not, and never will be, all flower petals and fluffy feels. Just like so many, I look for the path of the feel-good whenever I can. Marie Kondo is definitely onto something when she advises us to ask “Does this bring you joy?”.

Plunge Into The Change
“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”
~ Alan Watts
Being adaptive is an essential part of the human experience. How we do the adapting makes all the difference. Permaculture urges us to “creatively use and respond to change”. This gives us a BIG clue as to the way of nature wisdom.